21st Precinct – The Mainliner. ep7, 530818.

Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: An attractive young woman is hauled into the station after she couldn't pay her cab fare. She just doesn't have any cash, and the cabbie doesn't want her out of state check. The flood of phone calls won't stop as captain Cannelli finds himself short staffed. There's more to the girls story. What is she doing in town, and so far from home? She claims to have a missing wallet. <br> Captain Cannelli is nice enough to cash her personal check to help her out. Later in the day we learn more of the typical routine, calls related to fires, robbery, and house break ins. When a forgery spree is brought up, that girl is at the bottom of it, and it shows that even cops can be suckered in. She had been impersonating Elizabeth Erwood, then the real Mrs ERwood shows up to see what can be done. Interupting the flow of her story are more phone calls, and an obligation of the captain to political officials. <br> The forger is her daughter, but why would she write so many checks? Troubling family drama is aired. Mom claims to simply not know why her daughter, who has everything is doing this. She just wants to keep things quiet, and keep scandal from becoming public. It isn't long before Elizabeth the younger is picked up. Will the truth come out? What is that family scandal that mom wants to keep hush hush? Will the disfunctional family manage to work things out? Maybe, but the matter is out of the hands of the cops. Besides, the flood of calls and crimes keep on coming. <br>