787: If You Haven’t Started Yet… Just begin, with AJ Roberts

The Solopreneur Hour Podcast with Michael O'Neal show

Summary: AJ Roberts from Genesis digital (otherwise known as Kartra), was in studio today, and we covered a bunch of awesome topics including how simple online business could be, how to create an easy infrastructure, and why not knowing everything should not stop you from beginning the process.<br> Relevant Links:<br> <a href="https://solohour.com/kartra">https://solohour.com/kartra</a><br> Featured ads on this episode:<br> Kartra is a page builder, sales funnel builder and marketing automation platform.  Basically, it’s an all-in-one business platform that consolidates your landing pages, sales pages, online courses, membership sites, email system and payments in one place. It’s the system I use for Solopreneur Hour.  For just $1, <a href="https://solohour.com/kartra">you can try it yourself right now! </a><br> Get a $1 Trial of Kartra right here: <a href="https://solohour.com/kartra">https://solohour.com/kartra</a><br>