812: Ant Anstead of Wheeler Dealers/Master Mechanic – The Passion Behind The Work

The Solopreneur Hour Podcast with Michael O'Neal show

Summary: Ant Anstead (http://antanstead.com) hosted me in his garage (Pronounced “Gare Edge”) for a sit down about his career, his current projects, and the real passion behind the work.  We talked about overcoming adversity, the “solace” of being in the garage and making something from scratch, as well as making the leap from a police officer to a coach builder and TV Host.  He’s a “yes” man…meaning he’ll say yes to an opportunity without knowing the outcome.  He just does it because he’s passionate about it.  So far, this mentality has fared well for his personal life and his career.<br> Do you have a son/daughter that’s a petrolhead? (Gearhead to us yanks) Get Ant’s book “Petrolhead Parenting” <a href="https://noahfineart.com/collections/petrol-head/products/petrol-head-parenting-by-ant-anstead-amp-noah-elias-us-only">HERE</a>.<br> <a href="https://www.instagram.com/ant_anstead/">Ant Anstead on Instagram</a><br>