SECRET LIFE EXPOSED: Married girlfriend who hacks, burns Vanessa Guillen foot sex fetish & bizarre psyche

Crime Stories with Nancy Grace show

Summary: The married girlfriend of Spc. Aaron David Robinson, the man who killed soldier Vanessa Guillen, remains behind bars. Cecily Aguilar is charged with conspiracy to tamper with evidence after admitting she helped dismember and burn Guillen's body. Also today, we hear from the mother of Private Gregory Wedel-Morales, who's body was found in a shallow grave near Guillen's. His family is now working clear his military record of desertion. Joining Nancy Grace today:Kirk Nurmi - Jodi Arias former Attorney, Author "Trapped with Ms Arias Parts 2 and 3, My Final Words"Dr Bethany Marshall - Psychoanalyst, Beverly Hills, ww.drbethanymarshall.comSheryl McCollum - Director, Cold Case Investigative Research InstituteDr Kris Sperry - Former Chief Medical Examiner State of GeorgiaVincent Hill - KJRH TV- News Anchor /ReporterKim Wedel, mother of Gregory Wedel-Morales See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at