Helping Young Children Know the Word – Hf #299

The Homemaking Foundations Podcast show

Summary: Helping our kids know God's Word (and hopefully come to cherish it) is such an important task! But it can also be a very overwhelming task. In this episode, we will share some some great resources for helping our kids know God's Word. Listen in!<br> Listen to the Podcast:<br> <br> You can find the notes for this episode down below.<br> <br> And don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast in iTunes.<br> <br> <br> <br> Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.<br> Links &amp; Resources:<br> <br> Sign up to get notified when tickets go on sale for the 2021 Homemaking Ministries Online Conference<br> Get FREE classes for your kids!<br> Get $10 OFF<br> <br> Common Questions / Misconceptions<br> <br> “I don’t have enough time!”— Consider repurposing regular times of the day when you’re already with your kids (mealtimes, playtimes, snack time, car rides, before nap or bedtime, walks, etc.)<br> “I don’t know what to teach them!”— When in doubt, just read small portions of scripture, talk about it in simple language, and pray. For more, you can add resources as referenced below.<br> “I don’t know enough!”— Learn together!<br> “It’s hard!” — Faithfulness is always challenging, but it’s worth the cost to invest eternal truths into the hearts of our children.<br> <br> Reminders<br> <br> There is no formula, every family will do it differently and that’s okay.<br> Salvation belongs to the Lord. Even if we do everything right (spoiler: we won’t) that doesn’t guarantee our children will follow the Lord. Hope in him, not your methods. Pray for your children to have changed desires.<br> <br> 5 Ways to Help Your Children Know, Understand, and Apply the Word of God<br> <br> Through Inductive Study<br> Through Scripture Memory<br> By Teaching Doctrinal Truths<br> By Teaching Vocabulary<br> Through the Gospel Narrative<br> <br> Inductive Study<br> <br> Ages 7+: Once a child can read, train them to think through the passage using a tool like the Kid’s<br> Inductive Study Card (free download) as they read on their own. Have them write or draw a<br> picture of what they learned.<br> Ages 3+: Read a passage of scripture to your child, use a tool like the Kid’s Inductive Study Card (free download) to discuss, understand, and apply the text. Have them draw a picture of the story.<br> Ages 0+: Focus on listening to the word of God through an audio bible or an audio storybook<br> bible. Talk about it for comprehension at their level.<br> <br> Free Audio Bibles: ESV app from Crossway, The Bible App<br> Jesus Storybook Bible Audio Version, The Big Picture Bible Audio Version<br> ESV Devotional Psalter (as mentioned in video that our family uses)<br> <br> <br> <br> Main idea: Help your children get used to hearing the word of God and thinking deeply about it. Don’t forget to pray!<br> <br> Scripture Memory<br> <br> Ages 3+: Focus on memorizing small or long passages of scripture together. Recite it daily or set<br> it to a tune. For more passive memorization, listen to scripture songs:<br> <br> Seeds Family Worship, Hide ‘em in Your Heart<br> There are many more if you do a quick search!<br> <br> <br> For more incentive, offer a small treat or work scripture memory before your child moves onto a<br> preferred activity.<br> Main idea: Implant the truth of God’s word in their heart so the Holy Spirit can bring it to mind.<br> <br> Doctrinal Truths<br> <br> Ages 3+: Work through catechisms (content amount appropriate for child’s age), having them<br> memorize simple statements.<br> <br> New City Catechism (book and app) — Some people also use: Westminster Shorter Catechism,<br> Heidelberg Catechism<br> <br> <br>