November 2019 Astrology and 11/11 Portal Energies

Intuitive Astrology  with Molly McCord show

Summary: November is gifting you with opportunities to move past intense soul experiences that have been on a karmic loop, and to answer the next Call of your Soul that excites you. Big Scorpio and Sagittarius energies are requiring us to go within for clarity and clearing, as cosmic forces come in strongly the last 10 days of the month. Mercury is retrograde until Nov 20, which is also the same day that Mars enters Scorpio, signaling a new conviction in what you must do next. It may have felt like some of your dreams, visions, and life plans were removed back in 2006/2007, but they have simply been on "cosmic layaway" and a return is coming as Jupiter and Venus both connect with the Galactic Center at 27 degrees Sag this month. We're also revisiting energies of the 1987 Harmonic Convergence. Much more to share in this show.   Mercury retrograde in Scorpio journey video: Taurus Full Moon on Nov 12th video: Jupiter conjunct Galactic Center video: