Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of November 20 to 27

Intuitive Astrology  with Molly McCord show

Summary: Energy changes are underway as Mercury stations direct on Nov 20 and creates another Water Grand Trine with Neptune and the North Node, just as Mars enters determined Scorpio with gusto. Jupiter and Venus in Sagittarius are connecting powerfully with the Galactic Center at 27 degrees Sag and raising our desire to trust ourselves and what we want now. A higher level of self-love is being integrated into our light bodies and energy fields, and you may be inspired to "go big" in some area of your life. The Sun enters Sagittarius on Nov 22 and then creates a New Moon at 4 degrees Sag, igniting what we want to experience and explore next. A lot is happening now, and I have more to share with you in this episode.   Jupiter conjunct Galactic Center video:  https://youtu.be/M8NUTeFMu_8   Best Weekend of 2019! Venus Conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius & Galactic Center:  https://youtu.be/RXxDsQ-X76I   Current astrology classes and teachings: https://www.mollymccord.online/current-spiritual-offerings ~~~New! 2020 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~  The major astrology of 2020 and how it will show up in your natal chart. Use code POWERFUL and get the program for $22 USD!  Check it out:  https://www.mollymccord.online/2020-astrology-energies