Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of December 4 to 11

Intuitive Astrology  with Molly McCord show

Summary: An active week ahead with strong Venus and Chiron energies that are encouraging us to love who we are - wounds, scars, all of it- because a deeper strengthening is happening as Venus meets up with Neptune, Saturn, and Pluto. Mercury enters Sagittarius on Dec 10 and trines Chiron as Jupiter in Capricorn squares Chiron from Dec 7 to 11 -all at 1 degree. The buoyant Sun in Sagittarius is mostly travelling alone in the sky until making a square to Neptune in Pisces at 15 degrees on Dec 7. Mars in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces at 15 degrees, giving gusto and action to following a bigger dream that may have been stalled out for bit. Much more to share with you in this week's episode.   Join me on Starseed Radio Academy as I speak with Lavandar and Arielle about the astrology of 2020, the upcoming American Revolution, plus I go through what all 12 houses mean in a chart. We discuss the Saturn - Pluto conjunction in Capricorn as well as other developments that are underway for Starseeds. Hope you enjoy the conversation! https://www.blogtalkradio.com/starseed-radio-academy/2019/11/27/astrologer-molly-mccord   January 2020 Astrology Discover the main astrology and energy themes of January 2020, and follow along as we look at how the astrology shows up in your natal astrology chart. Includes examining each chart for the Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse, Cancer Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and Aquarius New Moon energies. Pre-recorded 70-minute webinar, plus 3 individual videos for the lunar cycle. Use code CAPRICORN and get it all for only $11 USD. https://www.mollymccord.online/monthly-astrology-webinars