Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of June 24 to July 1

Intuitive Astrology  with Molly McCord show

Summary: As June ends, we have a few days of 6 planets in retrograde before Venus stations direct on June 25th at 5 degrees Gemini. Mercury retrograde in Cancer is bringing up feelings below the surface that we're meant to connect with and resolve with compassion for ourselves. Mars moves into Aries on June 28, amping up the desire for getting back out into the world and getting us moving into what we want next. But the second half of 2020 is going to still be intense as July revisits the Capricorn planetary line-up from January when COVID 19 began, but now Mars in Aries will be a major player and perhaps make the virus experience even more active in the second half of the year. Astrologically speaking, I think COVID will be coming back and there will be more quarantine regulations. The June 20th eclipse brought in a lot of new energies, shifting into a softer energy field, and I'll share more about what I've been seeing around this change. More to discuss with you in this week's show.    ~~ July 2020 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ Discover the main astrology and energy themes of July 2020, and follow along as we look at how the astrology shows up in your natal astrology chart. Use code JULY2020 to get it for $11 USD. https://www.mollymccord.online/monthly-astrology-webinars