The 12 Astrology Houses for Starseeds and Lightworkers

Intuitive Astrology  with Molly McCord show

Summary: We're going to journey through the 12 astrology houses in a natal chart and look at each environment of life that holds energy for you to explore and connect with more fully. Your chart contains many layers of meaning, and as you go deeper into understanding them, more areas of your life will come alive to you and make sense. If you identify as a Starseed or Lightworker, this information may resonate with how to develop and grow your energy in this lifetime, as well as open up more of your soul's journey and what you came to the planet to contribute.   Gisele Bonenfant ~ Crystal Laser Bed Remote Sessions   ~~~~~ Beginner: Introductory Astrology Course For Your Soul's Growth Learn to interpret your natal chart in this on-demand course with 6 classes. Use coupon code MYCHART at checkout to save $50. More info here:   Let's laugh over on IG:   Sign up for weekly intuitive astrology updates and learn more about your astrology chart here: