Shortwave Radio, Civil Defense, Bomb Shelters, and of Course: COVID-19

The Baby Boomer Radio, TV, Movies, Magazines, Music, Comics, Fads, Toys, Fun, and More Show! show

Summary: An unusual show for an unusual time...As America deals with the effects of the Coronavirus, we look back onto past crises and unprecedented events that we as a nation have gone through. From the Spanish Flu of 1918, to how people were affected during World War II, to the effects of the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, to the JFK assassination, onto 9-11, there have been times that the country has had the normal daily way of life interrupted, and the feelings of fear and uncertainty have manifested themselves. But an important thing to remember is that we have always made it past any crisis that has come along in the past and we will certainly move past this situation in due time. As a fun aside on this program, the Galaxy Guys remember the fun days of listening to Short Wave radio, as well as look into some of the interesting effects of long-distance radio listening. We also talk about the Civil Defense preparations for radio from back in the day. Take a break and join us on Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site, on the Galaxy Nostalgia Network!