Easy way to remove your ums and erms

As I Please show

Summary: <br> We all do it. We can talk all day to friends, colleagues and family without uttering a singled ‘um’ or ‘erm’. But sit in front of a microphone to record a podcast and they pour out.<br> <br> <br> <br> So how do professional broadcasters and newsreaders speak without making these unwanted noises? Practice, practice, practice – and a heavy dollop of self discipline.<br> <br> <br> <br> Sure, we can edit our podcasts to remove these noises; but it can get boring after a while and it is time consuming – so far as I know – there is not an app for that (yet).<br> <br> <br> <br> The best way to solve this is to train yourself not to make those noises at all.<br>