Five ideas to boost your podcast

As I Please show

Summary: <br> It's easy to get in a rut when it comes to producing a podcast every week - particularly if you are hosting a podcast on behalf of your company. Where do the story ideas come from?<br> <br> <br> <br> To help out, here are five ideas to lift your show out of the doldrums... In no particular order:<br> <br> <br> <br> * Ensure your podcast offers real value to your listeners. What practical advice and information can you share that will not only resonate with your listeners, but really help them? * Is your firm involved in community projects, or has it donated to a good cause in the community? If so, tell your listeners those stories by featuring the people your company is helping. * Expand your podcast now and again to include photos and video on the episode's web page. Add a bit of extra content to generate added interest.* Have you recorded a very long episode? Is it too long? Release two versions. A cut down episode featuring the highlights and key points for distribution, and a full version that only resides on your website. Promote the long version in the short version of your podcast.* Don't forget the listeners! Invite feedback and questions about your industry. You never know what you'll be asked and it could make for some fascinating episodes.<br>