Episode #99: Looking Ahead

The Shared Desk show

Summary: <br> 00:00 Introduction<br> <br> <br> <br> We can smell episode 100! We had to stream this twice though….<br> <br> <br> <br> 01:22 Into 2020<br> <br> <br> <br> * Tee and Pip have plenty of plans* Time for prohibition?* Check out where we will be in 2020* Tee helped found <a href="http://www.ravencon.com/">RavenCon</a>. So we will be there this year!* <a href="https://escapevelocity.events">Escape Velocity</a> in Washington DC<br> <br> <br> <br> Tee’s Dream…<br> <br> <br> <br> * Tee guesses wrong* <a href="https://www.gencon.com">Gencon</a> bound!!* We had a time a great time last year, looking forward to more shenanigans in Indy* Next up <a href="https://keycitysteampunk.com">Key City Steampunk Festival</a> which is now in Gettysburg, PA* And then venturing into Florida, as Guests of Honor at <a href="https://www.stonehill.org/necro.htm">Necronomicon</a> in Tampa Florida!* Tee heads back to <a href="https://www.twitchcon.com/sandiego/">TwitchCon</a>* Twitch for Dummies is now a year old!* These old bones can manage this schedule* Tee and Pip have a few requirements for traveling to events…* …but they will do a Shared Desk LIVE!* Asking the organizers of events works- but get in advance* Our writers’ retreat is coming up… and this year, we’re heading to the beach!<br> <br> <br> <br> 16:49 Talking Publications<br> <br> <br> <br> * Pip has a schedule… with a nebulous section* Didn’t work out so well last year, but that is why we go with nebulous* <a href="http://terribleminds.com/ramble/2020/01/01/writer-resolution-2020-write-with-a-knife-to-your-back-the-cliffs-edge-at-your-feet/">Chuck Wendig’s post on write what you want, because everything is falling apart.</a>* Pip and Tee put a lot of expectations and pressure on writing last year.* However Tee’s 2020 started off with a bang.* Podcasting for Dummies is going* Discord for Dummies is currently under construction, but Tee just lost a month* So let’s write what we want to write.* Pip *sigh** The Weald, is Pip’s current WIP. A fantasy novel set in Regency England* At the same time, she’s editing the first book of the Spectral Protectors. <a href="https://books2read.com/thefiercedead">The Fierce Dead</a>– now available for pre-order* Pip and Tee argue about The Secret of the Monkey God release date* Pip also plans book Two of the Spectral Protectors.* Death and the Falcon or Falcon and the RAVEN, the story of Henrietta Falcon and Sophia del Morte are planned for the end of the year.* Tee’s heart is calling him to write, Villainy LLC, a story of the B List superheroes. Setting it in Richmond, VA* Check in with us at the end of the year* Pip wants Tee to get back to enjoying the pure creativity of just writing* Tee is still thinking about retooling Dope story.* Pip suggests putting away a project for awhile to give perspective<br> <br> <br> <br> Feeling 2020 like…<br> <br> <br> <br> * Pip is resetting, by making sure to read every day.* No faux Jane Austen though.<br> <br> <br> <br> 31:35 Writers Off the Clock: The Witcher<br> <br> <br> <br> * Pip wants to find a show where Henry Cavill takes a bath* Tee brings an ear worm * Based on the books from Poland* Prepare for the cosplaying!!* Party City wig was replaced… thank goodness!!* The separate timelines took a bit to work out* Episode 4 was a little wobbly… but we forgive them* Pip starts streaming Philippa’s Freaky Friday playing Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt. <a href="https://m.twitch.tv/theteemonster">Check in on Friday nights for fun times…</a>* Stealing from peasants is part of the story… morally wrong as that is.<br> <br> <br> <br> If you have an event and want The Shared Desk to appear there, or if you just want to share an opinion about the show, here’s where to find us… 703.