Suspense – Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble. ep36, 430406

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: In keeping with the famous Shakesperean play, old hags speak the opening line. For this production, we learn the hags are actually young women who set the stage. They notice Margret Blair in her box, an actress of over 15 years ago who married a no-good actor. Tonight she is with her new husband of a year, Howard. <br> We learn she is disturbed over mysterious letters that seem to have come from her dead husband. Howard leaves her alone in her box to enjoy the play. Is there any real concern over ghosts and what they may do? When Margret is found dead, it seems that her life was real. <br> How did she die? Who was yhe last one around her? Who had reason to kill her? A house detective soon unravels the mystery, and reveals the real nature behind the supernatural guise of ghosts. <br>