Jack Armstrong – Luminous Dragon Eye Ring. ep11, 401014.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: As the Spindrift has set sail, Jack and uncle Jim investigate the report of hearing footsteps onboard. It doesn't take long to uncover their old nemesis, Blackbeard. In the vain of Long John Silver, Blackbeard Flint tries to talk his way into the good graces of the crew. Can the crew believe his silver tongued tales? He tells about the ruthless bunch that are out to get the same prize of uranium. It's a story of bleak, and dark hearted souls who will stop at nothing to get what they want. <br> Their former nemesis has some explaining to do before the crew can trust his story about his change of heart in stowing away, and joining them. Though the tale is full of lies, uncle Jim wants to milk the truth of what Blackbeard knows out of him before putting him off the ship. <br>