Instrumental Fingerstyle Guitar by Ben Harper

Soundcheck show

Summary: <p><span>Ben Harper is a three-time Grammy winner, a singer/songwriter/producer and multi-instrumentalist who’s played in a wide variety of styles and with a Who’s Who of famous musical colleagues. But his upcoming album, </span><em>Winter Is For Lovers</em><span><span> </span>is just Harper and a single lap steel guitar, inspired by the so-called American Primitive style of the late John Fahey and Leo Kottke. In interviews, Harper has declared himself a big fan of flamenco, classical, Hawaiian and blues guitar, and there might be some of those styles in there as well. Ben Harper joins us from home to play these instrumentals on his Monteleone lap steel guitar. <span>Set list:<span> </span></span><span>"London," "Joshua Tree," </span><span>"Inland Empire"</span></span></p>