Monday Night Magic: #695 - Basically Cheetos

MTGCast show

Summary: <div class="trix-content"> <div>Hey look, we're back! And there was another ban list update! Except this one came out of nowhere on Monday morning, with no warning and no announcement ahead of time. The MNM crew will discuss the pros and cons of this approach as well as talk about the frankly stunning number of surprise bans. Then we're diving into the ever-growing list of WotC's bad decisions, beginning with the lie (whether intentional or not) about the contents of the massively-expensive Double Masters VIP Booster. Then we head into the introduction of the brand new lootbox product, the Set Booster. This leads to a lengthy conversation about our feelings about WotC as a company, eroding loyalty, and capitalism running wild. Then we finish up with the Players Tour Finals and our usual wrap-up where we talk about the stuff we're watching or playing at the moment.<br><br> </div> <div>Watch the video version here: <a href=""></a><br><br> </div> <div>Join us live Monday nights at <a href=""></a><br><br> </div> <div> <strong>Your Hosts:</strong><br>Chewie - <a href="">@TheManaPool</a><br>Squee - <a href="">@SqueeGoblnNabob</a><br>Cluze - <a href="">@lacluyze</a><br><br> </div> <div>----<br><strong>NEWS</strong><br>B&amp;R update | <a href=""></a><br>Strange ramifications for bans NOW | <a href=""></a><br>Double Masters VIP Boosters | <a href=""></a><br>Whoops, we lied - WotC | <a href=""></a><br>Set Boosters | <a href=""></a><br>Commander Collection: Green delayed | <a href=""></a><br>State of Arena July 2020 | <a href=""></a><br>Players Tour Finals | <a href=""></a><br>PT Finals Day 2 metagame | <a href=""></a><br>----<br><br> </div> <div>MNM RSS Feed - <a href=""></a><br>Support TMP on Patreon - <a href=""></a><br>Join The Mana Pool Discord server! - <a href=""></a><br>Use our link on Humble Bundle - <a href=""></a><br><br> </div> <div><em>Brought to you by Mana Pool Productions</em></div> </div>