YR1469 Reclaiming Pride March June 28 2020 Unabridged

Yeast Radio with Madge Weinstein show

Summary: <br> Yesterday I attended this inspiring march and I present it here in it's entirety, including all the walking and chants. I did this for two reasons: 1. I think this is an important piece of history and should be preserved as a matter of historical record. 2. It gives the listenturd the opportunity to listen to the soundscape of the march a feel like they are actually walking there with us. It's a great experience. But if you just, want to hear certain speakers, you can use the chapter markers in most podcatchers such as Pocketcasts, which is the one I use.<br> <br> <br> <br> Image from Block Club Chicago/<a href="https://twitter.com/JakeWittich">Jake Wittich</a><br> <br> <br> <br> Please visit <a href="http://justice4strawberry.com">Justice4Strawberry.com</a> and click the link to send an email to her lawyer to show support to the court.<br> <br> <br> <br> Also please support <a href="https://www.bravespacealliance.org">Brave Space Alliance</a>.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> For Information:Ashabi Owagboriaye, Pride Without Prejudice / Reclaim Pride March, <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="mailto:ashabi.owa@gmail.com" target="_blank">ashabi.owa@gmail.com</a>, 312.623.2282 Radical LGBTQ Pride March TodayReplaces Corporate Parade LGBTQ activists have seized on the opportunity posed by the cancellation of Chicago's commercialized Pride Parade to launch a truly community-driven march beginning at 12 noon, Sunday, June 28th at the "Belmont" Red &amp; Brown lines el station.  The event will focus on community members, especially Black and Trans people, who are typically marginalized or tokenized at white-led Pride events. Rather than a parade filled with corporate floats advertising themselves and passive onlookers along the sidelines, this will be a participatory march of the community itself.  It will be a protest, not a party. The march will unapologetically highlight issues of racism, police violence, and the obscene amount of money spent on militarized police, and a military which polices the world. In so doing, participants will be honoring the rich, but largely forgotten history of the Stonewall Rebellion and the movement that followed it.<br> <br> <br> <br> Not only was Stonewall a rebellion against police violence, fighting racism was also a core principle of the movement that came immediately after it. The early LGBTQ movement organized many actions against racism and police violence and in solidarity with the Black Panther Party, leading the BPP to become the first large "non-LGBTQ" organization to embrace what at the time was called "gay liberation."<br> <br> <br> <br> Like today's <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/blacklivesmatter" target="_blank">#blacklivesmatter</a> movement with its demand to defund the police, the early, post-Stonewall LGBTQ movement recognized that resources spent on repression deprived communities of needed resources. As such and in solidarity with peoples abroad, the movement organized into chapters known as the "Gay Liberation Front," named after the National Liberation Front in Vietnam. GLF proudly organized in the anti-war movement of that era. <br> <br> <br> <br> The movement was "intersectional" before that term had been invented. So, for example, Lesbian and Bisexual women helped radicalize the women's movement of its time, challenging its entrenched homophobia and respectability politics. In so doing they helped contribute to the legalization of abortion in 1973.<br> <br> <br> <br> Demands of today's march include: -- Our goal is to reclaim Pride from white profiteers and huge corporations and return it to the people, especially our black community. -- We want to refocus and remember that Pride began with Black, Brown and Trans lives. We want bars and events to not only include,