YR1471 President West

Yeast Radio with Madge Weinstein show

Summary: <br> Madge takes a nice walk to the shore and disgusts many topics.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Show notes:<br> <br> <br> <br> * Don’t make the same mistake with Kanye that you made with Trump* farting on people* <a href="http://raganfox.blog">ragan</a> rat tail* thanks to donors (Pedro, Rob, RedMonkey, BicycleMark, Gordon, who am I forgetting?* beaching in chicago- trans overdose followed by beach closing and ass kissing* 1.7 billion for chicago police being wasted on fancy boats, helicopters, and gear, while teachers go broke and schools look horrible. * Police have fancy toys. Teacher pay for their own crayons.* Low paid EMT’s to a lot of grunt work that cops get credit for.* Follow my instagram, MadgeWeinstein to see booty.* Defund police. Divert some funds to help bring up poor neighborhoods.* Broken windows theory = unproven nonsense like trickle down economics.* Crime is reduced when people look out in their neighborhoods?* Give the expensive police boats to the people so they can have fun.* <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7NJW_dxN74">Kids dancing on cop cars.</a>* <a href="https://taibbi.substack.com/p/on-white-fragility">Taibbi on White Fragility </a>* Why does <a href="http://twitter.com/trotskydavidson">my dead dog</a> have voice tweets before me? * Vote extortion and medicare for all. * Obamacare/ACA is expensive. Need medicare for all but we can’t have it because we have yet another existential threat who is bought and paid for by the for profit healthcare industry. Fuck that.* How is it democracy if the vast majority of democrats didn’t get to vote in the primary?* Why is it news when the only candidate wins?* Fighting windmills instead of the healthcare industry. Don Quixote politics.* Republicans always get worse. Whatever comes after Trump will be worse.* I predicted Kanye years ago.* Trump not wearing mask as a dog whistle saying that Covid-19 is a hoax.* Will the news bury the inevitable Trump rally infections?* Worn out, vaginally and otherwise.* Beach is nice.* porous clitoris* donate to <a href="https://cash.app/%24bloatedlesbian">$bloatedlesbian</a> on cash app <br>