YR1473 Chinga la Migra

Yeast Radio with Madge Weinstein show

Summary: <br> Madge takes a walk to the lake on a windy day and attends an ICE protest.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Show Notes:<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> * Covid cases up in chicago* bars = no social distance, screaming , and no masks = more cases* mayor lightfoot is being controlled by food and beverage industry in Chicago* sacrificing lives for the food and beverage industry of chicago* back to office fun* not taking public transportation* mermaid fetish at the beach/slab* mermaid playing with her pu$$y at the gay beach* mermaid rescues Madge from Lake Michigan* woman see another woman pussy mean she go broke* Lake Michigan is a toilet.* E. Coli in Lake Michigan = stench.* Hideet and bin Jeet* Biden must support Medicare for All to win the election. We can not expect him to change this position after he’s elected because he will not win without supporting Medicare for All* Polls are wrong* Why are polls inaccurate* Rely on common sense instead of polls.* Commercial insurance is unreliable. When you lose your job, you lose your employer-based insurance and have to pay a huge amount of money for COBRA.* Voters will not vote for an alternative to Trump who don't support Medicare for All* Distractions like beans and Trump masks on MSM instead of reporting on life for the people who lose their job and insurance.* Current president shredding ACA. Opposition candidate likes unaffordable status quo.* ACA was a huge improvement over what was there before it but it's not affordable, especially apparent now.* People in their 50's may have to pay over $2000/month for insurance, and that's with HUGE deductibles.* Common sense tells us that no Democratic opposition will be elected if they aren't going to fix this.* MSM won't report this because MSM is shaped by corporate objectives.* Corporate intentions rule what's inside your brain.* Turn off corporate supported media.* Even NPR is corporate funded now… just without the ads.* <a href="http://democracynow.org">Democracy Now</a>* @<a href="http://twitter.com/bloatedlesbian">Bloatedlesbian</a> on Twitter* <a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/useful-idiots-with-matt-taibbi-and-katie-halper/id1476110521">Useful Idiots Podcast</a> Matt Taibbi Katie Halper * Thinking for yourself. Avoiding the manipulation.* A much worse pandemic could be around the corner, making this time look like the good old days.* We're spoiled… those of us who can work from home.* Golden/Inner Circle - fat* Hamilton Horror Hate* Philipa Soo as Amilie with a Karen face? Flop.* Madge Mask viral video idea* insider Karen trading* antibody testing* Canceling Hamilton? No way even though it's horrible.* Hamilton code switching, dick prints, horrible costumes, based French accents.* Joy of seeing Anthony Ramos die twice.* The only thing revolutionary about Hamilton was the casting.* Death by narrator.* Love <a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/rupauls-drag-race-recap/id978207706">Drag Race Recap Podcast</a>! * N99 mask wear* air purifier update* ICE protest* <a href="https://www.democracynow.org/2020/7/10/headlines/immigration_rights_groups_raise_alarm_over_ice_plan_to_host_citizens_academy">ICE "citizen's academy" in chicago </a>* ICE arresting people who look or sound like immigrants even if citizens..* Must get rid of Trump- means Biden* But Biden can't win without Medicare for All so make him support it!* <a href="https://www.yeastradio.com/donate">donate to yeast</a>* <a href="https://cash.app/%24bloatedlesbian">$bloatedlesbian</a> on cash app* email bloatedlesbian AT gmail for discord access (free)* <a href="http://twitter.com/bloatedlesbian">@bloatedlesbian on twitter</a>* <a href="https://www.instagram.com/madgeweinstein/">Madge Weinstein</a> on Insta* epilogue: Trump's mask* ICE Protest footage<br> <br> <br> <br> <br>