Damen Runyon Theatre – It Comes Up Mud. ep31, 490731

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: In today’s story, Broadway tells about his friend Alfie down in Miami who has some woman troubles with his gal, Beulah. Alfie is also having some financial trouble as he tries to groom racehorses for the Kentucky Derby. Though Broadway’s friend, Alfie seems to be down on his luck, he is sure that things will come up mud for him, and his horse will someday be the winner. <br> Things get worse before they get better. Beulah is being won away from Alfie by another man who has a job, and can support her. Can it get worse? Alphie is strongly encouraged to leave town. <br> The cops approach Alfie, and impress on him the eneed to leave town. What’s the use? It’s another tough break, but Alfie is determined to take his horse, Last Hope, to the Kentucky Derby and be the big winner. Without a nickel to his name, Alfie just rides his horse out of town, and is last seen heading straight for Kentucky. <br> Broadway and Alfie ride their horses through Georgia, the home state of Alfies true love. The two gents stop in for a rest, and to visit the Simpson estate. Beullah tells about her breakup with Alfie’s rival. Might things be looking up for him? <br> With the exersize of the long walk, and some working out on the Georgia plantation, the racehorse is shaping up fairly well. When rain clouds darken the sky, it looks like things are getting brighter for Alfie and he gets another big break for his horse. <br> Things take a wrong turn for Alfie’s horse, but he manages to win the gal anyway. Broadway goes back to New York, but wait. The story isn’t over, and Broadway will tell you about it in the final act of the story when he again meets up with Alfie. If you also want to know what happens with good old Alphie, just listen in for all the dramatic details. <br> If all this sounds familiar, it might because you listened to <a href="https://retro-otr.com/2011/06/damen-runyon-it-comes-up-mud-490731-retro331/">a Retro Original that featherued this episode. </a> <br> Note: Dates are approximate, while episode order should be correct. . The 52 syndicated, independant episodes ran on CBS, NBC and ABC bbetween 1948 to 1950. <br>