Old Time Radio - OTRNow show

Summary: 2 1/2 hours of classic old time radio. OUR MISS BROOKS- Let's start with Eve Arden as OUR MISS BROOKS spending a "Weekend At Crystal Lake" from September 19.1948, TOM CORBETT SPACE CADET March 04,1952 Asteroid Of Danger Part 01 TOM CORBETT SPACE CADET March 06,1952 Asteroid Of Danger Part 02 THE JERGEN'S JOURNAL May 18, 1941 Mrs. Rudolph Hess Arrested. Walter Winchell was one of the most popular and controversial figures in radio. Winchell was writing a regular gossip column for the New York Daily Mirror when he made his radio debut in 1930. His radio breakthrough came in 1932, when he hosted The Jergens Journal, a 15- minute show that mixed entertainment news with matters of national importance. THE FBI IN PEACE AND WAR- The story of the $25,000 Bond SLEEP NO MORE December 5, 1956 is called "Over The Hill"