Mr. and Mrs. Rogers

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: Most of us have people in our lives that we consider our heroes. We would like to be like them. We want to learn from them. We would like to imitate their way of expressing things. And when you’re thinking about reaching your world with the wonderful good news about God and His love and mercy and forgiveness, I have to go back to Mr. Rogers and Mrs. Rogers in Argentina, South America. They were British. They were missionaries. They came down there to work in a big company, but mostly they came to share the good news of Jesus Christ. So they supported themselves working for a British corporation but the rest of their life and their time they spent with us. I was a boy, and my five sisters, and my little brother, and we were all blessed by Mr. and Mrs. Rogers. You know what I remember the most as a boy? Mr. and Mrs. Rogers treated us with great respect, even when we were little boys and girls seven, eight, nine, ten years of age. They would teach us to memorize Bible verses, to take the word of God seriously. They would teach us about the fall of the human race, about the virgin birth of our Savior, about the cross of Jesus Christ, and how He rose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and now lives to forgive our sins. All that I learned as a child from my favorite hero, Mr. Rogers.   This is Luis Palau.