Ep. 173 - Bane 2.0 (Pt. 1/5) - Peter Chilton. (Bane. Silent Drive. Nova Motorcycles)

The Brooklyn Blast Furnace show

Summary: "The Isolation Sessions" are over. The first five part "Bane Series" is over... but "Bane 2.0" has just begun. Get ready for another five part series with former members and people very closely associated with them. My first guest in the "Bane 2.0" series is bass player, Peter Chilton. He has played on every full length "Bane" record, toured the world several times over and is an enormous part of the band. He created the artwork for several "Bane" album covers along with dozens of other bands. He was also in the bands "Godflaw" and "Silent Drive". He currently is co-owner of "Nova Motorcycles", a custom motorcycle and repair shop. This was awesome to do. I hope you enjoy this one as well. Once again... Bane Forever.