Molehill Mountain Episode 199 – Ubisoft Is a Liar

KNGI Network Podcast Master Feed show

Summary: And that's not even its worst quality.<br> <br> 0:18 - I didn't watch The Old Guard because it was over two hours long. The older I get, the less and less patience I have, it seems.<br> 5:35 - Walmart institutes a mandatory mask policy... several months into a global pandemic.<br> 39:42 - Swery demonstrates he knows how to apologize when he does a bad. His game, Deadly Premonition 2, did a bad.<br> 47:54 - Ubisoft lied about not being able to use it's Ubisoft Forward presentation to address the fact that it has been harboring harassers, abusers and sexual predators for YEARS.<br> <br> <br> If you missed Saturday’s live broadcast of Molehill Mountain, you can watch the video replay on YouTube.  Alternatively, you can catch audio versions of the show on iTunes. Molehill Mountain streams live at 7p PST every Saturday night on RandomTower!<br> Credits: Molehill Mountain is hosted by Andrew Eisen.  Music in the show includes “Albino” by Brian Boyko. It is in the public domain and free to use. Molehill Mountain logo by Scott Hepting.<br> Chat Transcript:<br> <br> 6:19 PMaddictedtochaos​Ubisoft probably lies about a lot of things, will have to be more specific. Lol.<br> <br> 6:26 PMAndrew Eisen​You're right. I have to be specific considering Ubi's lies are so... UBIquitous.<br> <br> 6:58 PMmatthew wilson​your live<br> <br> 6:58 PMaddictedtochaos​Hello<br> <br> 6:58 PMmatthew wilson​we have the xbox event on thursday<br> <br> 6:59 PMaddictedtochaos​And a rumored (I don’t believe it) Nintendo Direct on Monday<br> <br> 7:00 PMmatthew wilson​its weird seems like nintendo is moving away from directs as others are starting to coppy them lol<br> <br> 7:01 PMmatthew wilson​seems I am opisite you, I am a night owl, I get a spike of energy as night goes on<br> <br> 7:02 PMjordan thompson​everyone is raving about "ghost of shushima" I was hoping id be a survival horror in fudal Japan but I was wrong<br> <br> 7:05 PMmatthew wilson​cloudflare had a major network outage coused by a typo lol<br> <br> 7:06 PMVhyper1985​Onimusha?<br> <br> 7:06 PMjordan thompson​I don't have a internet hooked to my tv and my PC is strictly for writing so I'm probably part of the 1% of people that still use Xbox 360 for Netfilx<br> <br> 7:08 PMmatthew wilson​every shop needs a sign saying no shirt, no shoes, no masks no service<br> <br> 7:08 PMmatthew wilson​are you shock wallmart is ruraul mostly red contry, and we know how they see masks sadly<br> <br> 7:09 PMVhyper1985​Same here in England we aren't getting mandatory masks in shops until the 24th<br> <br> 7:09 PMmatthew wilson​I hate living in floridia for that reasson way too manny people without masks<br> <br> 7:10 PMjordan thompson​at this point I think alot of people are putting on mask out of fear of being denied nessecary services rather than the sickness itself. thats called a tyrannical governtment<br> <br> 7:13 PMjordan thompson​sadly if covid only affect penguins very little people would care, we think to highly of our own species<br> <br> 7:15 PMmatthew wilson​there is a parson in highschool of the dead (a anime about zombies) that refuses to acept zombies, and that was made in like 2011 lol<br> <br> 7:16 PMmatthew wilson​masks protect others from you, xcovid is contagous even before you show symptoms<br> <br> 7:16 PMjordan thompson​there was a Asian movie a couple years ago about a impending astroid that couldnt be avoided and earth was doomed, yet people still raided stores<br> <br> 7:16 PMmatthew wilson​person<br> <br> 7:20 PMjordan thompson​I like how no one mentions the recovery rate is higher than the death rate and the natural human immune system is doing its job<br> <br> 7:21 PMmatthew wilson​waering a dam mask in not taking away someones freedom, people need to get a clue<br> <br>