Munchkin Land #342: Pandemic Season 0

MajorSpoilers+ show

Summary: Dan Patriss is here to drop the news about all the cool gaming news coming down the pipe, including the prequel to Pandemic! Show your thanks to Major Spoilers for this episode by becoming a Major Spoilers Patron at It will help ensure Munchkin Land continues far into the future! Join our Discord server and chat with fellow Spoilerites! ( Contact us at NEWS Z-Man announced Pandemic Season 0 for release later this year. (Rob Daviau and Matt Leacock) Queen Games to release the Stephan Feld “City Collection”. Renegade Announces More Details on Vampire the Masquerade Expandable Card Game Asmodee Acquires Libellud Asmodee USA will be releasing Al Leduc’s Yukon Airways in Mid August. Mid Weight Euro 1-4 players 90 mins retail $50 Pegasus Spiele will release Hansa Teutonica: Big Box, Q3.  It will include all expansions  $59.99. Blue Orange has announced Meeple Land a game where you are building a theme $35 to be released in Q3 Finally in Marvel Champions news! there’s a scenario pack coming soon and it will be Kang The Conquerer. MSRP for $20 Kickstarters Whaler Riders Shadow Kingdoms of Valeria Studio X Mobile Mini Painting Studio