Revelations Radio Network show

Summary: Episode 219: In this episode, Flippy joins White Castle (racist?), and is also serving non-alcoholic beer, Ye is stepping down from prez run while going back to being normie weird, Ghislane is denied bail, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, and also 33 in movies, LA Times pro mask propaganda because hamsters, Walmart nationwide mask mandate, hazmat suits for travel is real life bubble boy, Wall street making bank on waccines, Bill and Melinda Gates pressures for more on virus, DEEP FAKE RISING, eugenics is working, Soros to give $200 mil, but we might not know for long, Nick Cannon dropped by Viacom comparison 1 and 2,  6.2 quadrillion in reparations, national coin shortage,  Elon’s neuralink article is funny, xbox series x is beastly, 5G to enable remote surgeries, and harry legs Biden wants clean machines! Thanks for joining us on YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, Dlive, and Periscope/Twitter! And make sure to visit the CanaryCry.Community for some unhindered social media off of the facebags and tweeters! All links to articles can be found on Canary Cry News Talk (dot) com! Finally, please visit our SUPPORT PAGE ( if you feel called to help us feed our babies and kittens!  #deepfake #mask #racism