Mark Call – Parsha “Pinchas”– teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Hebrew Nation Online show

Summary: Parsha Pinchas (Numbers 25:10-30:1) may be one of the most problematic stories in the Torah. Aaron's grandson Pinchas (aka Phineas) killed two idolators 'in the act', and in the process saved countless lives from a plague that had already taken 24,000. And he was given the "Covenant of Peace" by Yahuah.<br> <br> The Erev Shabbat introduction:<br> <br> <a href=""></a><br> <br> The haftorah portion this week outlines some of the final events in the career of the prophet Eliyahu (Elijah) and also has not only some interesting parallels, but a warning, the hard truth of which has long been ignored by both whoring houses, but has now come to a head, including another plague.<br> <br> There is a sword coming upon the land. All of it. Worldwide. But you cannot blow a shofar wearing a muzzle. And you cannot walk in obedience, unless, like Pinchas, you are sure Who you serve.<br> <br> * "Pinchas: A Choice of Life and Death"<br> <br> <a href=""></a><br> <br> The combined two-part teaching is here:<br> <br>