Molehill Mountain Episode 198 – Better At Streaming Than Nintendo

KNGI Network Podcast Master Feed show

Summary: Last week's Treehouse Live presentation was so bad I was genuinely embarrassed on Nintendo's behalf.<br> <br> 0:23 - I liked the first episode of Carole &amp; Tuesday. What did I think of the next four?<br> 9:30 - Nintendo Treehouse Live was a technical failure and that Bakugan game looks so bad even the presenters didn't seem to want to talk about it.<br> 30:32 - My adventures hunting Alatreon in Monster Hunter World Iceborne.<br> <br> <br> If you missed Saturday’s live broadcast of Molehill Mountain, you can watch the video replay on YouTube.  Alternatively, you can catch audio versions of the show on iTunes. Molehill Mountain streams live at 7p PST every Saturday night on RandomTower!<br> Credits: Molehill Mountain is hosted by Andrew Eisen.  Music in the show includes “Albino” by Brian Boyko. It is in the public domain and free to use. Molehill Mountain logo by Scott Hepting.<br> Chat Transcript:<br> <br> matthew wilson​good on you, I cant live without ac<br> <br> matthew wilson​too hot where I live<br> <br> matthew wilson​did you see devolver's show? also their cool game (devolver expo) is one of the coolest gamming marketing things I have seen in a long time<br> <br> matthew wilson​yup today<br> <br> Warren Lewis​Hey Andrew!<br> <br> Warren Lewis​yep!<br> <br> jordan thompson​hi sorry I'm a bit late, watching the ladt minutes of Split (2016) so im halfway playing attention<br> <br> jordan thompson​Unbreakable<br> <br> Warren Lewis​glass?<br> <br> Warren Lewis​whooos<br> <br> Warren Lewis​whoops<br> <br> jordan thompson​how much would you freak if in nintendos next pre recorded direct they said it was for you<br> <br> Warren Lewis​XD<br> <br> jordan thompson​id freak if in the next stream nintendo just played hard ball and said they live streamed just for you<br> <br> matthew wilson​aparently there is no xp/ so<br> <br> matthew wilson​in new papper mario<br> <br> jordan thompson​I cant be the only one that needs Paper Mario for Smash<br> <br> jordan thompson​whats next Paper Mache emporis<br> <br> matthew wilson​bad a managing expwcations nintendo........<br> <br> matthew wilson​its a childrens anime in japan if I recall<br> <br> jordan thompson​Bakugon was more sidelined than Digimon, id consider them cult anime<br> <br> jordan thompson​I find it hard to belive youve never heard of Bakugon, it was a minor success with toys and its anime though Cartoon Network in the early 2000s. its got a cult following I never got into it myself<br> <br> jordan thompson​it had this rip cord toy monsters if that brings anything to mind<br> <br> jordan thompson​Yo Kia Watch was fairly recent and a total rip off of Pokemon yet did decently<br> <br> jordan thompson​I cant wait to not watch the Monster Hunter Movie in theaters ohh 2020 you<br> <br> matthew wilson​so you cant where resistance gear<br> <br> matthew wilson​was there a rock or something to hide behind<br> <br> jordan thompson​[message retracted]<br> <br> Scrungle himmingworth​I'm LATE<br> <br> Scrungle himmingworth​what did I miss<br> <br> jordan thompson​when you said LATE my mind went somewhere else, good thing you clarified<br> <br> Scrungle himmingworth​I've been playing more dead by daylight<br> <br> Scrungle himmingworth​but I'm also not going outside period because it's been 105f for the past few days<br> <br> matthew wilson​[message retracted]<br> <br> Scrungle himmingworth​wouldn't you be able to negate the debuff if you brought a hunting horn?<br> <br> Scrungle himmingworth​actually wait what does the debuff do? I missed that<br> <br> jordan thompson​why am I picturing the WOW villain from South Park when you explain your game plan<br> <br> matthew wilson​so you failed a dps check got it<br> <br>