701 | 1 minute advice on needing an accountability partner…

Internet Business Mastery | Escape the 9-to-5. Make More Money. Start an Freedom Business, Now! show

Summary: I get asked a lot of questions about business<br> <br> <br> <br> Wanna know what the most requested question I get is about?<br> <br> Accountability.<br> <br> People tell me that they want someone to make them do it.<br> <br> I just got another one of these questions this morning and I haven't responded to them, because I thought I might be TOO harsh and I really needed to give myself time to calm down about it.<br> <br> The email said they would join the Freedom Club if I would personally hold their hand and make sure they did the work everyday. <br> <br> Really?!<br> <br> I'm finally ready to answer this accountability issue.<br> <br> If you're someone that really needs help getting motivated to start and keep working on a business that will completely change your life by making you location independent, in control of your time, a business that will provide for you and your family at the level of total freedom, here is my answer to you...<br> <br> Forget this dream and stay at your day job.<br> <br> Forget it.<br> <br> If you are an adult that needs another adult to keep you accountable to your dreams and desires, you should keep your day job.<br> <br> Your boss is not your enemy. <br> <br> Think of your boss as your accountability partner. <br> <br> You want the income but can't keep yourself motivated to do the work you agreed to do. <br> <br> This is why you have a boss. <br> <br> Keep your boss.<br> <br> This is an employee mindset. <br> <br> There are many business owners that are making their dreams come true and they need employees to make it happen. <br> <br> You are perfect for them.<br> <br> Needing an accountability partner is the perfect mindset of an employee.<br> <br> That is the nicest way I can answer the question about needing accountability.<br> <br> If you're ready to design your future right now by doing exactly what it takes to make your dream business happen, good, that's a winner mindset.<br> <br> That means you're ready to join the Freedom Club now:<br> http://www.FreedomClubVIP.com<br> <br> BTW: With your Freedom Club membership, you get access to my private, exclusive Mastermind Group with other business owners building their dream business. Winners want to be around other winners, so don't join if you are going to beg winners to hold you accountable. <br> <br> Go in and give it all you've got.<br> http://www.FreedomClubVIP.com<br> <br> Jeremy Frandsen<br> World Leader in Freedom Business Education