Astrology of July 6 to 19 - Mercury square Mars, Sun opposite Jupiter/Pluto and Moon joins Venus

The Water Trio - Astrology with Cassandra Tyndall, Kelly Surtees and Alicia Shaich Yusuf show

Summary: Join Australian astrologers Kelly, Cassandra and Alicia as they discuss what is a quieter fortnight in the skies. Mercury squares Mars on 8 July, which inflames the mind and sharpens the tongue, so thinking before speaking is the tip for that day. Mercury retrograde ends as the planet of communication stations direct on 12 July. This stationary point is when Mercury’s trickster energy is strongest, so expect delays or hiccups but they’ll quickly move forward as Mercury does over following days. The Sun opposes Jupiter (14 July) and Pluto (15/16 July), as power dynamics and hidden agendas come into view under the Sun’s powerful spotlight. The Moon joins Venus and the North Node in curious Gemini on 17-18 July, making it a lovely weekend for connecting, socialising and having lighthearted fun. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What are the Water Trio up to this fortnight? Alicia's Mars retrograde webinar happens on Thursday 9 July, you can register via Cassandra's next webinar is on the terms/bounds rulers in the chart and deepening your chart analysis using them, you can book in via Kelly's NORWAC 2020 lectures are now available to purchase from her website, find out more via