“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call Independence Day Special

Hebrew Nation Online show

Summary: "When in the Course of human events..."<br> <br> Will this be the last anniversary of the unanimous approval of the Declaration of Independence that formerly-free America is ever allowed to celebrate?<br> <br> As it is, most AmeriKans are already ignorant of Truths which were once universally agreed to be "self-evident:" that we have a Creator, and that our Rights come from him, and are thus "unalienable," since no government of mere fallen men on Earth have the legimate power to take them away.<br> <br> Which is why those who serve "another master," the 'prince of THIS world' are so intent on not only DESTROYING that form of government, and the principles to which the Founders pledged "their lives, their fortunes, and their Sacred Honor," <br> <br>