Revelations Radio Network show

Summary: Episode 214: In this episode, Anti-social Flippy robots, all vans and trucks to be electric by 2024, CHAZ down and out, Yahoo going anti-democratic psyops, creepy Fauci clone-ish from 1918, Pelosi CDC apologetics, claims protest slowed down coronavirus, El Paso double counts, UN calls cease fire for corona, LA shuts down beaches but authority ignores it, Goldman Sachs mask people, Covid tracing through your phone mic,  post corona wedding changes, mask pollution over jellyfish, US buying up corona stocks, China next pandemic scare, China gold scam massive, China ties in medical world fired, Hong Kong down, and arrests begin! Thanks for joining us on YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, Dlive, and Periscope/Twitter! And make sure to visit the CanaryCry.Community for some unhindered social media off of the facebags and tweeters! All links to articles can be found on Canary Cry News Talk (dot) com! Finally, please visit our SUPPORT PAGE ( if you feel called to help us feed our babies and kittens!  #China #Coronavirus #LockDown