Spotting Liars & The Four Kind Of Nasty Lies They Tell

Save Your Sanity - Help for Toxic Relationships show

Summary: <p><strong>Do you know when you're being lied to? Does your antenna go up? </strong></p><p><strong>Or, do you so want to believe the lie that you find a way to justify it? </strong></p><br><p>Liars--particularly Hijackal liars--count on you to believe their lies. It's all part of their need to feel powerful and in control. Don't believe them! Use today's episode to sort out what's really coming at you, and recognize the lies.</p><br><p>You know it never works well to<strong> confront a #Hijackal: a person with narcissistic, sociopathic, psychopathic, and/or passive-aggressive tendencies and behaviors</strong>. Don't poke #Hijackals. Recognize what's going on. Don't let them think they have you outsmarted. </p><br><p>Big hugs!</p><p>Rhoberta</p><br><p><strong>HIGHLIGHTS OF TODAY'S EPISODE:</strong></p><ul> <li><strong>Why Hijackals lie </strong></li> <li><strong>How does a person become a liar</strong></li> <li><strong>Why passive-aggressive people lie frequently</strong></li> <li><strong>Narcissistic people like to tell half-truths</strong></li> <li><strong>Beware of people who tell you "Trust me!" </strong></li> <li><strong>Gaslighting is lying </strong></li> <li><strong>Differences between compulsive liars and pathological liars</strong></li> <li><strong>Why it's important to recognize these four kinds of lies in order to stop second-guessing yourself and to stop the crazy-making </strong></li> </ul><p><br></p><p><strong>Want clarity, insights, strategies, and support from me, Dr. Rhoberta Shaler? We can talk: </strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><strong>Introductory session for new clients, $97</strong></a></p><br><p><strong>CONNECT WITH ME: I invite you to like my pages and follow for further help with recognizing toxic relationships, realizing their impact, realigning your life, and recovering your self-confidence and ability to love and trust again.</strong></p><br><p><strong>FOLLOW DR. SHALER...</strong></p><p><strong>WEBSITE: </strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><strong></strong></a></p><p><strong>PODCAST: </strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><strong></strong></a></p><p><strong>FACEBOOK: </strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a></p><p><strong>TWITTER: </strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a></p><p><strong>LINKEDIN: </strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a></p><p><strong>INSTAGRAM: </strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a></p><p><strong>PINTEREST: </strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a></p><br><p>YOUTUBE: <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a></p><p>-------------------------------------------------------------</p><p>I WANT TO HELP YOU FIGURE OUT WHAT'S GOING ON AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT!</p><p>If you <strong>want to learn more, share, ask questions, and feel more powerful within yourself and your relationships</strong>. Join my Support Circles now.</p><p>Off social media, safe discussion + videos + articles + webinars + personal home study program + group Saturday Support Calls with me.</p><p>WOW! Join now. <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Dr. Shaler's Relationship Help Circles.</a> 50% off your first month. . Safely off social media.</p><p>----------------------------------------------------------------------</p><br><p>#spottingliars #paathologicalliars #compulsiveliars#compulsivelying #pathologicallying #passiveaggressivelying #tellinglies #whypeoplelie</p><p>#fourkindsoflies #narcissistslie #psychopathslie #sociopathslie #lyingtowin </p><p>#savemysanity #saveyoursanity #relationshipadvice #tipsforrelationships #Hijackals #toxicpeople #mentalhealthmatters #MHNRNetwork #RhobertaShaler #narcissists #borderlines #antisocial #difficultpeople #emotionalabuse #verbalabuse #stoptoleratingabuse #toxicrelationships #manipulation #walkingoneggshells #mentalhealth #emotionalhealth #abuse #narcissisticabuse #boundaries #personalitydisorder #difficultpeople #journorequest #prrequest </p><p>Support this show <a target="_blank" rel="payment" href=""></a>.</p><br><hr><p style="color:grey;font-size:0.75em;"> See <a style="color:grey;" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>