Vic and Sade – Deadmans Trick. 440614

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: When he hears of Sade's lack of mechanical knowledge of how her washing machine operates, Vic sets out to impress us all with his expert mechanical prowess. Fortunately, Uncle Fletcher visits to save us all from the boastful tirade. Though Summer vacation is in full swing, Fletcher can't get it that Russel doesn't have school in the morning. Instead, he's full of amazing, and absurd stories. Fletcher is especially proud of his new job in performing the Deadman's Trick. Just what is the Deadman's Trick? Listen and learn of the mysterious thing that Fletcher assumes that everybody should know and be impressed by. Why does the trick need to be performed at midnight? Why does it need to be cold, and blustery? I'm not sure, but then I'm not sure why Fletcher is wishing everybody goodnight, when it's the middle of the day