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Internet Business Mastery | Escape the 9-to-5. Make More Money. Start an Freedom Business, Now! show

Summary: I just got an email that I'm going to share with you. I think a lot of people feel this way and I want to comment on it.<br> <br> <br> <br> Here is the email and my comments will follow.<br> <br> <br> "Hi Jeremy,<br> <br> I emailed you yesterday about joining (the Freedom Club) after being at my friend's funeral. But now I'm <br> having seconds thoughts. I'm going to be 50 years old I don't have any kind of a business idea and people <br> are telling me I'm too old that online businesses are young man's game. I'm starting to believe in the negative people. <br> <br> Can anyone really do this? Please don't think I'm whining just unsure of myself.<br> <br> Thanks,<br> Bill"<br> <br> --No, not just anyone can do it. <br> <br> That's good and bad news. <br> <br> Here's the good news part. <br> <br> The one thing you need to be able to create a successful freedom business - *you already have* or you wouldn't be on my list, emailing me, wanting to be a part of the Freedom Club. <br> <br> That one thing is the DESIRE to be an entrepreneur. <br> <br> It seems like a simple thing to have, but almost NO ONE has it.<br> <br> Think about it. <br> <br> How many people do you know actually want to be a real, live entrepreneur? <br> <br> How many people want to create a business that will help a specific audience that they get to choose?<br> <br> No one in my family or old group of friends did. At all the places I was employed, before I started my first online business, only one other person ever talked about owning their own business.<br> <br> One. <br> <br> And I worked at big businesses and worked directly with 100's of people. (That one person, Marcello, gave me the book that made me Unemployable within 24 hours! More on that another time...)<br> <br> I know most people want the EFFECTS of running a freedom business, like they want the freedom and money and recognition, but they don't want to actually create and run the business and really help an audience they choose.<br> <br> Does that make sense?<br> <br> As a side note, the age thing is nonsense. I'm 46. Most of my online mentors are in their 50's and 60's!<br> <br> Now the bad news...<br> <br> STOP taking advice from the wrong people.<br> <br> You have to be extremely picky about who you take your advice from. If the person that is telling you that you can't do something isn't doing it themselves and they actually know the in's and out's of what they are giving the advice about, their advice is worthless.<br> <br> Ya, hardcore, but true. <br> <br> Maybe the Negative Ned/Nancy that is giving you the dumb advice doesn't have the desire to create a freedom business and doesn't think you should. <br> <br> Maybe they don't want you to succeed and have a better life than they do. <br> <br> Maybe they have good intentions and don't want you to be sad if it doesn't work out the way you want.<br> <br> It doesn't matter why they give crap advice, just stop listening to them.<br> <br> Most of my friends and family told me that I shouldn't leave a 6 figure job to go "waste my time and money on something that doesn't exist." They thought you couldn't make money on the internet 14 years ago when I started. <br> <br> Well, they thought you had to do unsavory things or sell garbage from your attic or garage on eBay...<br> <br> When things started going extremely well and I moved onto the beach in San Diego and traveled first class to England, France, and Scotland and put my kids into awesome private schools, suddenly they all changed their tune about my starting a freedom business... (Though none of them really had the desire, so they didn't do it. They just wanted the effects that I had earned.)<br> <br> So, stop listening to people that don't know what they are talkin...