116: Sarah Clark on Fabulously Fertile

Straight-Up Wellness show

Summary: In this episode, Sarah Clark talks about overcoming infertility and getting pregnant naturally:<br> <br> * Infertility statistics<br> * Sarah's infertility journey<br> * POF - Premature Ovarian Failure<br> * PMS and pregnancy symptoms<br> * Fertility treatment success rates<br> * Over-recommending IVF<br> * Unknown food sensitivities and toxic exposure<br> * Stress and infertility<br> * Functional medicine<br> * Looking at all aspects of the body<br> * Coaching couples together<br> * Elimination diet<br> * Food sensitivity testing<br> * Zoomer panel<br> * Delayed food sensitivities<br> * Importance of honing in on diet<br> * Infertility as a sign that the body is trying to protect itself<br> * Gut health passed down for generations<br> * Both male and female partners preparing for baby<br> * DUTCH test for hormone levels<br> * Low melatonin levels and gut infection<br> * Stool testing for gut health<br> * Stressors that impact fertility<br> * Hair tissue mineral analysis health <br> * How birth control affects fertility<br> * Crazy side effects of birth control<br> * Fertility Friday podcast<br> * Fertility monitors<br> * Addressing autoimmune disease before fertility<br> * AIP diet success in recovering from autoimmune<br> * Finding and following Sarah<br> * Addressing mindset for fertility success<br> * Doing things to prioritize joy<br> * Mindfully washing your hands<br> * Educating those around you how to handle your own feelings of infertility