Talk Heathen 04.26 2020-06-28 with Eric Murphy & Vi La Bianca

Truth Wanted show

Summary: Greetings Heathens! Today’s episode of Talk Heathen is brought to you by, keep wearing your masks in public, stop being selfish and wear it! You could save a loved one. Our hosts today are the dynamic duo, Eric Murphy and Vi La Bianca.<br><br>Let’s get to calls. The “first” caller is a returning caller, Father John from Canada. He wants to talk about some loopholes in the Roman Catholic doctrine surrounding the sacrament of confirmation and that Roman Catholic theology was inaccurate and Eastern Orthodox is the One True Church, um ok. The No True Scotsman fallacy and circular arguments abound!<br>Next up, Brad from Virginia would like to talk about how his friend has very opposing views about LGBTQ marriage/legal rights and uses whataboutism to push a dialogue and agenda. He wonders how society makes these opinions and what to do about it.<br>Arthur in Poland would like to hear some recommendations on how to navigate relationships with his children and family about his atheism, deconversion. He wonders how to object to baptism in a faith. Don’t wait on it Arthur, we definitely recommend possibly speaking to a secular therapist/marriage counselor about your concerns. <br>Evan in Ohio is calling in as a deist and a recovering Baptist. He is calling in about his sister, who is struggling with her religion and self hate in regards to LGBTQ rights. It almost sounds like she may be projecting. Evan, you can’t push her along her journey, she must come to the conclusions herself. Be there for her, listen to her, and be available to her. <br>Next in the queue is Tom from Missouri. He wants to talk about the historical evidence of Jesus’ resurrection. This is a great call, definitely give it a listen, there are a lot of pearls of wisdom that I didn’t capture.<br>Billy in North Carolina would like to talk about how atheists need to figure out how to come together, mobilize, and become activists to highlight oppression against the non-religious. We must remain intersectional and accepting of others while doing this work. <br>That’s our show today folks, thanks all! Be safe and healthy out there!