Grading & VFX with the Explorer - Part 3 - Flame 2021.1

The Flame Learning Channel show

Summary: In parts 1 & 2 in this series, you learnt how to create, organise and apply TimelineFX via the Explorer. This is great for any VFX or grading workflows and I am sure that you’ll put it to good use! In Part 3, we are going to focus particularly on an isolation tool known as a Selective. This tool is available in the Image and Action toolsets and it creates some very interesting opportunities when it comes to TimelineFX Setups and the Explorer. For example, you can have an Image TimelineFX which contains one or multiple Selectives that builds the VFX or grade of a shot. Using the TimelineFX management workflow with the Explorer, allows you to pick specific Selectives within the Image TimelineFX and create TimelineFX setups. These setups can then be repurposed in other shots or even used to experiment with different variations of the Selective within the same or different Image TimelineFX. So this is pretty powerful functionality and I encourage you to watch how it works in this video.