GTWM Podcast S07E57

Good Times with Mo: The Podcast Season 7 show

Summary: <p>Mid-week podcast episode in line for all of you Good Timers! Its Season 7, Episode 57 as Mo talks to people in all different parts of the world today - 2 guys/2 girls from the US, UAE and the Philippines. We get an update from our 20yr old virgin listener who wants to have sex and the rest are thirty somethings that are trying to juggle some unique relationships and questions. Lets do this!</p> <p>Caller #1 is Emong who is 30yrs old from Abu Dhabi, UAE. Emong is a loving husband and father of a 2 year old. He comes off as a nice guy but there's a bit of an issue -- he has been paying women online to send him videos of them masturbating. He wants to know if its cheating. Mo wants to know how different is it from watching porn. Let the master debate begin.</p> <p>Caller #2 is Lizzy who is 33yrs old from Los Angeles. Lizzy met a guy while they were doing volunteer work. She's only been with one guy and she is starting to get the pandemic blues. The guy has offered some Netflix and chill but the problem is he has a girlfriend and they are LDR. She is attracted to him and wants of piece of it but his relationship status is holding her back.</p> <p>Caller #3 who is 31yrs old from Palawan. Matt is in a relationship with a married woman. His GF is married to a powerful, influential, and rich old man who runs shit in Palawan. They have 5 kids and her old husband treats her like shit. Matt wants to continue seeing her and hopefully steal her and the kids away. But how do you pull off such a heist against a guy so connected?</p> <p>Caller #4 is Suzy who is 20yrs old from Manila. Suzy called Ep 55 about looking for a guy to lose her virginity to. She's excited to say that she might have found the one! She tells Mo a little about Mr. Right Now.</p> <p>GTWM The Podcast Season 7 is brought to you by the great people at Sharp Philippines! Get yourself an Ultra-High Definition TV from Sharp, you certainly deserve it! Powered by , we will see you on another episode of GTWM tomorrow. Thanks for the download and please support the podcast by donating as little as $0.99 cents via Anchor at:</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>