#100: Certainty Sells with Jordan Belfort

Sales Secrets show

Summary: Jordan Belfort is a world-renowned sales trainer, a best-selling author, an entrepreneur, and a motivational speaker whose life today represents the ultimate redemption story. After barely surviving his rise and fall as an American entrepreneurial icon, he is now thirteen years-sober and assisting individuals and organizations in breaking through whatever barriers hold them back from achieving success. Whether speaking to a room full of hard-charging salespeople or to a jam-packed convention center filled with 'everyday people,' Belfort’s teachings captivate and inspire his audiences. In the 1990s, Jordan built one of the most dynamic and successful sales organizations in Wall Street history. To this day, his proprietary sales-training techniques and daily motivational speeches are the 'stuff of legend'— earning him a reputation as a 'motivator without peer.' He’s acted as a consultant to more than 50 public companies and has been written about in virtually every major newspaper and magazine in the world, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, the Herald Tribune, Forbes, BusinessWeek, Paris Match, and Rolling Stone. Further, his life story was turned into a major motion picture by Warner Brothers, directed by Martin Scorsese with Leonardo DiCaprio playing the role of Belfort. Jordan Belfort’s two best-selling books have been published in 22 countries and translated into 18 different languages. Additionally, he is a frequent guest-commentator on CNN, CNBC, Headlines News, and the BBC. People who have attended Jordan’s training say his Straight Line selling techniques are quite simply the best out there– a surefire way to increase your sales, grow your business, and influence others. He is known as someone who genuinely believes in sharing his knowledge to help others, and using it to make the world better. On this episode of Sales Secrets From The Top 1%, Jordan explains his top secrets to sales success and how to start implementing them in your career immediately!