A love note for teachers at the end of the weirdest, hardest term ever

Teacher Wellbeing show

Summary: You are almost at the end of the weirdest, most challenging term ever. Just in case you haven't paused to acknowledge yourself, take a moment to do so now. This last term has been the biggest disruption to Australia's education system in history. Twice. Across Australia, teachers have never worked harder or had to be more flexible, adaptable and cooperative in the face of some huge challenges and rapidly changing circumstances. Yet, here we are. Just a week or two left until holidays (depending where you are in Aus) and you did it. You have been an integral part of getting this nation through the health, social and economic crises that we are still in the midst of. Join me for this free live workshop series, screening on Facebook. If you can't make it when I go live, then you can watch the replay in the Facebook event. •Take The Australian Teacher Health and Wellbeing Survey: www.selfcareforteachers.com.au/survey •Sign up for the free Teacher Resilience and Wellbeing Workshop Series here: https://www.facebook.com/events/713958529378484/ •The next round of the Resilient Teacher coaching program begins in July so you can get on the waiting list at selfcareforteachers.com.au/resilientteacher Set aside some time in your calendar next week to invest in yourself and your wellbeing going forwards. Whether you join me for the free workshop series or not, please take some time this week to acknowledge all that you have accomplished this term. If you want to, raise it as a topic of shared reflection and celebration in the staff room or with your teacher buddies. Take a moment this week to be grateful to each other and to yourself for making it through this incredible term. This is one for the history books, and you have been a part of it. As always, remember you're a person first and a teacher second and you are SO worthy of your own care x.