The Family Theater - The Visitor (04-30-52)

Boxcars711 Old Time Radio Pod show

Summary: The Visitor (Aired April 30, 1952) Nonsectarian in its approach, Family Theater’s basic message was simply that of strengthening the family through faith in God and prayer. Each program was preceded by the familiar announcement: “More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of”—a quote from Alfred, Lord Tennyson. And always worked in somewhere before the end of the show was the famous slogan that became Peyton’s signature: “The family that prays together stays together!” Father Peyton’s vision of the family is expressed in his book, The Ear of God: “The family was meant to be the cradle of religion,” he wrote. “Restore to the family its religious soul and you enrich the entire country, you strengthen civilization.” Many people, including Hollywood entertainers, were happy to support this vision. The lineup of stars that Peyton recruited for his radio show included Hollywood’s best: Gary Cooper, Loretta Young, Lucille Ball, Jane Wyatt, Henry Fonda, Jack Benny, Rosalind Russell, Shirley Temple, Margaret O’Brien, Gregory Peck, Jimmy Durante, Gene Kelly, Natalie Wood, Vincent Price, Charlton Heston and Raymond Burr, to name a few. THIS EPISODE April 30, 1952. Mutual network. "The Visitor". Sustaining. A Martian has landed at a small private airport in Delano, California. He's the last Martian, and he's dying, but he brings a warning, "Bring God back to your conference tables!" Jane Wyatt (hostes), James Whitmore, Ward Bond, Tony La Frano (announcer), Harry Zimmerman (composer, conductor), Joseph Mansfield (director), Howard McNear, Robert Hugh O'Sullivan (writer), David Young, Tom Holland, Walter Brennan Jr., Robert Emlin, Eve McVeagh. 29:42. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.