690 | No one believes in you…

Internet Business Mastery | Escape the 9-to-5. Make More Money. Start an Freedom Business, Now! show

Summary: When I started on this journey to create a freedom business, no one believed in this freedom business thing.<br> <br> <br> <br> Even my wife (now X wife) didn't believe.<br> <br> She supported my decision to try, barely, but I could see the fear and doubt in her eyes.<br> <br> I became extremely unemployable after reading the book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, and I couldn't keep working in my boring, 'one day closer to death' job anymore.<br> <br> The day I gathered the courage to start, I could hardly see straight I was so excited, but I was equally afraid.<br> <br> The fear of failure is HUGE.<br> <br> I didn't have any idea what business I was going to start.<br> <br> I didn't have my niche.<br> <br> I didn't have my avatar.<br> <br> I didn't have a clear plan on how or where to start.<br> <br> I *DID* have a burning desire and I was tired of no one believing in my dream.<br> <br> I believed.<br> <br> The fear was real, but my desire was greater.<br> <br> Back then, I couldn't find anyone teaching step by step instructions on starting a freedom business, this was back in 2004.<br> <br> I did understand I needed instruction, but what I found was vague and most of the times I bought something to help me it was a total waste of time.<br> <br> Nothing showed specific steps and phases of getting started, let alone success behaviors and mindset shifts needed to make it much easier.<br> <br> It took me YEARS of struggle and frustration to figure it all out.<br> <br> I vowed to make sure anything I taught would have it all and have it step by step.<br> <br> Years later I found my purpose helping others start their freedom business and I've put it ALL in the Freedom Club.<br> <br> I even made it so the investment to become a member is set so anyone with a desire can join, check it out now for just a buck a day at:<br> http://www.FreedomClubVIP.com<br> <br> I can’t wait to see you on the inside!