Fashion Trends

Parenting Today’s Teens show

Summary: (Click title to listen)PODCAST SCRIPT: If your teen is like the kids I know… she’s an expert on this year’s trends.  She knows all about the latest fashions. The latest fashions for teens don’t matter that much to you and me.  Until they cross the line.  I deal with parents all the time who worry about their daughters’ outfits …especially the seductive ones.  These parents catalogue every piece of clothing… and assign strict rules about each one. But part of me just wants to give these girls some clarity.  See… I hope you’ll draw the line when it comes to modesty for your girl.  But when it comes to the latest fashions?  Don’t micro-manage. Allow for a little freedom of expression!  Let your girl be the expert she desperately wants to be.   ©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264Also, listen via iTunes here.