688 | 2 good things about Pat Flynn and one bad thing…

Internet Business Mastery | Escape the 9-to-5. Make More Money. Start an Freedom Business, Now! show

Summary: I first met Pat Flynn in 2009 when I moved down to San Diego to live on the beach.<br> <br> <br> <br> I mentioned I was moving down there in our Academy forums, (it's the older version of the Freedom Club Facebook Mastermind Group.)<br> <br> I put together a San Diego LIVE meet up and that is where I first met Pat.<br> <br> He had just started my course and was very excited.<br> <br> I didn't notice anything different about him in that first meeting, but I ended up getting to know him very well over the next 18 months.<br> <br> During that time quite a few things happened.<br> <br> My Academy forum exploded and there was more activity than I could handle. Pat had gone through our course and started helping me respond to the multitude of questions happening in my forum, so I invited him to be a moderator. <br> <br> He agreed.<br> <br> We had lunch not long after that and I found out that he had followed my course advice and had already made $7000. <br> <br> We talked about his business and I gave him 2 pieces of advice, as a test.<br> <br> About a month later I started a mastermind group for the San Diego area. I invited 2 students to join us and Pat was one of them. <br> <br> The group would go to lunch and then go play frisbee golf by the ocean.<br> <br> During lunch, Pat said he had taken both pieces of my advice and was able to double his money from the last time we met. He said he was making $14,000 a month.<br> <br> I was astounded and he passed the test.<br> <br> I gave business advice all the time and almost no one had ever actually taken it, especially that fast. I had given friend's advice, family advice, and other members of my course advice. <br> <br> Pat was the first to actually put my direct advice into action.<br> <br> We continued the mastermind group for several months and I watched Pat's business grow. <br> <br> He was doing very well with the course I asked him if he would like to work with me on Internet Business Mastery, which would require we meet weekly and I'd teach him in return. <br> <br> He agreed.<br> <br> I really got to know Pat well during this time and several things about him stood out.<br> <br> The first was that he took fast action. <br> <br> When we met the first time, I gave him 2 pieces of advice. He went home after our lunch and did the two things right away.<br> <br> He didn't wait till later or when the time was right or when he felt like it or when the moon was aligned with Saturn, he did it ASAP. <br> <br> The second was that he actually followed my course, step by step. <br> <br> He didn't skip around or add stuff from someone else, he actually took the course exactly as it was meant to be taken.<br> <br> He took fast action and actually followed the instructions on the course step by step. <br> <br> At first glance, it might seem simple and no big deal, but it is HUGE.<br> <br> Almost nobody does it like that.<br> <br> He is now reaping the benefits of these simple actions. Last time I checked, his site says he made $148,006.06 a month. <br> <br> That is the kind of money he makes now because of those two actions.<br> <br> The bad thing was that he sucked at frisbee golf! <br> <br> Luckily, frisbee golf was just something to do while we all talked about business.<br> <br> Take fast action and follow the course step by step...<br> <br> Are you ready the be the next Pat Flynn? <br> <br> Check out the freedom club at <br> http://www.FreedomClubVIP.com<br> <br> I can’t wait to see you on the inside!