Galaxy Quest – ep 79 – 1999

Old Millennials Remember Movies show

Summary: By Grabthar's Hammer, what a savings!<br> <br> "Galaxy Quest" was well-reviewed back in 1999, but it only found moderate success at the box office. The PG rating suggested it was a kid's movie, but the humor spoke more to a generation that appreciated the world of "Star Trek" and retro science-fiction.<br> <br> Luckily, the following for "Galaxy Quest" has only grown over the years, with many now placing it alongside the other great movies of a pretty great movie year. As Stefon would say, "'Galaxy Quest' has everything!" Space aliens, Tim the Tool Man Taylor, rock monsters, Ripley in a blond wig, (brief) time travel, Monk, a Dwight Schrute cameo, an annoyed Alan Rickman and the scene-stealing genius of Sam Rockwell as a wannabe "red shirt" who just doesn't want to die before the first commercial break.<br> Old Millennials Remember Movies Galaxy Quest Podcast<br> Tyler and Angela discuss their love of the movie, how it went introducing their young kids to it ("Look, Dad, that's Santa Claus!") and the film's surprisingly emotional dramatic sequences. Tim Allen can act, kids! Also, what's with the darn censorship of the swear words?<br> <br> One of hosts considers "Galaxy Quest" to be the best "Star Trek" movie of all time. His name is Tyler, and, yes he's seen "The Wrath of Khan." He's never going to change his mind. Never give up. NEVER surrender!<br> Also discussed in this episode<br> <br> Da 5 Bloods (2020)<br> Malcolm X (1992)<br> Inside Man (2006)<br> The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (2004)<br> Supernatural (TV series)