? Nashville: Blue City in a Red State Struggles 4 Good Government


Summary: Nashville is a blue city in a red state, and the struggle for good government is an ongoing battle. As Nashville continues to grow, it is beset with challenges with a government that does NOT represent all of the people. This is the third of a four-part series about Nashville Mayor John Cooper’s proposed 32% property tax increase. In this episode, I interview attorney and conservative activist Jim Roberts. Jim is the founder of 4goodgoverment and the mastermind behind the Nashville Taxpayer Protection Act.  <br> Jim Roberts<br> 4GoodGovernment.Com, https://4goodgovernment.com/<br> Download Taxpayer Protection Act Petition<br> Roberts &amp; Associates<br> 1700 Hayes Street, Suite #201<br> P. O. Box 331606<br> Nashville, Tennessee 37203<br> (615) 242-2002 office