#80 An Interview with the Author of the Price Warrior Series – Gina Detwiler

#MomLife show

Summary: <p><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-423" src="http://momlife.ljpres.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/IMG_9403.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="480"></p> <p>Hi everyone!  Welcome to Episode 80 of the #Momlife Podcast!  On this episode, I’m so excited to share a brand new conversation I just recorded with Gina Detwiller, the co-author of the Prince Warrior YA book series with Priscilla Shirer.  Gina talks about spiritual warfare and why she and Priscilla decided to write a book series on this subject matter for youth.  Are we also in a spiritual battle?  Though I recorded this episode before the events leading to the current riots had occurred, the message of standing firm against evil is super relevant right now.  Let’s dive into that conversation.</p> <p>Meet Gina: <a href="https://ginadetwiler.com/">https://Ginadetwiler.com</a><br> Meet Priscilla: <a href="https://www.goingbeyond.com/">https://www.goingbeyond.com/</a><br> Learn about the books: <a href="https://theprincewarriors.com/books/">https://theprincewarriors.com/books/</a></p> <p>Buy it on Amazon:<br> <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Prince-Warriors-Deluxe-Box-Set/dp/1462796761/ref=sr_1_2?crid=EPU2VRNPVUQ0&amp;dchild=1&amp;keywords=prince+warrior+series&amp;qid=1591914901&amp;sprefix=prince+warrior%2Caps%2C258&amp;sr=8-2">https://www.amazon.com/Prince-Warriors-Deluxe-Box-Set/dp/1462796761/ref=sr_1_2?crid=EPU2VRNPVUQ0&amp;dchild=1&amp;keywords=prince+warrior+series&amp;qid=1591914901&amp;sprefix=prince+warrior%2Caps%2C258&amp;sr=8-2</a></p> <p>Bio Gina Detwiler:<br> Writing, for me, is a great way to do many things without really doing anything. I started out life wanting to be a teacher, (and in between a bunch of other things, like an architect and a veterinarian and, for a brief time, a nun) then an actress, then a theatre director (when I was never cast in the parts I wanted.) Theatre was my life, as they say; I thought it was my calling. After studying English and Drama at Vassar College, I was accepted in the Theatre Directing MFA program at Columbia University where I soon discovered that the New York theatre world was not for me.</p> <p>I worked as an Entertainment Director in Germany for the US Army, fell in love, got married, and moved to Pennsylvania, to the small town of Chambersburg, which had more cows than people at the time. I met a woman who wrote romance novels for a living, and I thought that sounded like a fun job. My romance novel turned into a twenty-year project, “The Hammer of God,” about Charles Martel and the Battle of Tours. What started as a love story turned into more of a war story. Isn’t that always the case?</p> <p>When helpful book editors told me I needed to write something shorter and more contemporary, I wrote “Avalon”, a certified Beach Book. It’s about my favorite beach town, Avalon, New Jersey.</p> <p>Switching genres is the kiss of death in the publishing world, but I switched once again, to YA Supernatural/Speculative fiction with the “Forlorn” series. And then I had the opportunity to co-write the middle-grade fantasy series “The Prince Warriors” with Priscilla Shirer.</p> <p>God is at the heart of everything I write, though my desire is to reach beyond the faith-based audience to those who struggle with faith in the world that dismisses God as irrelevant or unnecessary. I went from writing about earthly battles to writing about spiritual battles, because our real battles are not fought against flesh and blood enemies, but against the “rulers, the powers, the world forces of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” (Eph 6:12)</p> <p>Bio Priscilla Shirer:<br> Priscilla Shirer is a wife an</p>